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Research Articles & Reviews

V Karatay, Y Denizhan, M Ozansoy, “Semiosis as Individuation: Integration of Multiple Orders of Magnitude”, Biosemiotics, October, pp:1-17, 2016.

M. Ozansoy, Y. Denizhan, “The Endomembrane System: A Representation of the Extracellular Medium?”, Biosemiotics, Vol. 2, No: 3, pp: 255-267, 2009.

Oral Presentations

Y. Denizhan, M. Ozansoy, V. Karatay, “Information in Biological Individuation”, 12th Gatherings in Biosemiotics, Tartu, Estonia, July 17-22, 2012.


M. Ozansoy, Y. Denizhan, “Endomembrane System: A Representation of the Extracellular Medium”, 8th Gatherings in Biosemiotics, Syros, Greece, 2008.


M. Ozansoy, Y. Denizhan, “Disease as Semiotic Misinterpretation, a Model Study: Parkinson’s Disease,”, 4thGatherings in Biosemiotics, Prague, Czhec Republic, 2004.

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